Imran Khan's arrest to deepen prevailing crisis: Zalmay Khalilzad

Imran Khan's arrest to deepen prevailing crisis: Zalmay Khalilzad


Khalilzad pointed out that Pakistan was facing a triple crisis – political, economic, and security.

LAHORE (Web Desk) - Former US Special Representative for Afghanistan Reconciliation Zalmay Khalilzad has warned that the arrest of Imran Khan will deepen the crisis being faced by Pakistan. 

Taking to Twitter, Zalmay Khalilzad pointed out that Pakistan was facing a triple crisis – political, economic and security. The former US envoy to Afghanistan and Pakistan, offered Islamabad advice on how to deal with political, economic and security crises facing the country. 

"The sequential cannibalizing of its leaders through jailing, execution, assassination, etc., is the wrong path," Khalilzad said Tuesday on Twitter.

"Despite great potential, it is underperforming and falling far behind its archrival, India," Zalmay Khalilzad said, adding that it was time for serious "soul-searching, bold thinking, and strategising".

"Arresting Imran Khan will only deepen the crisis," he said.

"I urge two steps:

1. Set a date for national elections in early June to avert a meltdown.

2. Use this time for the main political parties to confront what has gone wrong and propose a specific plan to rescue and put the country on a path to stability, security and prosperity. Whichever party wins the election will have a mandate from the people on what must be done."